Personal Tutoring

Why Choose Lancashire Tutoring?

  • The tutor is professionally qualified and trained
  • We focus on the students' learning needs
  • The tutor is DBS checked to ensure child protection
  • A friendly, positive learning approach that challenges students

We visit you. This is a personal one-to-one service.

The fee is for time actually spent with the student. The time spent by tutors preparing lessons and setting homework are part of our service and do not incur additional charges.

Supplementary email support is also available and is classed as chargeable time.

Our fee - just £35 an hour.


The Steps to Success

Identify Learning Needs

  • The tutor takes into account any special requirements the students need and cater for them throughout the lessons

Establishing a Relationship

  • The tutor uses positive and encouraging communication to discuss student topics. We show an interest and care about the student.

Applied Teaching

  • Our teaching method depends on how we need to cater for the students' needs, using formal and informal methods of teaching.

Prepare a Learning Plan

  • Looking at the topics that need to be understood, how they will be developed, ensuring understanding and knowledge.

The Learning Environment

  • Creating a fun and interesting learning environment to encourage positive interactions with students.


  • Using Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely goals means that we have a target to aim for.
Lancashire Tutoring
Lancashire Tutoring
Lancashire Tutoring
Lancashire Tutoring